Como indiqué en mi primer nota, hace mucho tiempo tenía una página chafa en espacios de Microsoft en la que ponía todas esas entradas bien suicidas, escribía "quesque" poemas y relatos bien "llegadores", y la gente me decía que se sentía súper identificada con todo lo que escribía y les intrigaba para quién iban dirigidos tantos gestos de amor afecto. Bien, pues poco a poco iré liberando todas esos poemas en este blog (pero las publicaré bajo la categoría de 2005 pues en ese año los escribí). Y por supuesto traduciré todas para que todo el mundo pueda leerlas.
Poems are back!
In my first post at this blog I said that I used to have an ugly spaces (by Microsoft) page where I used to post all those suicide notes (just kidding), I used to write kind of like love poems and tales, and people used to tell me that they felt into the poem and they just were trying to figure out who are those poems to. Well, I will publish all of those poems one by one at this blog. And I will translate all of them so that you all can read them.
Poems are back!
In my first post at this blog I said that I used to have an ugly spaces (by Microsoft) page where I used to post all those suicide notes (just kidding), I used to write kind of like love poems and tales, and people used to tell me that they felt into the poem and they just were trying to figure out who are those poems to. Well, I will publish all of those poems one by one at this blog. And I will translate all of them so that you all can read them.
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